World Class Bouldering
Inclusive Environment
Amazing Value for Money

Lil FREEKs (7-12)

An actioned packed and fun filled hour long class designed with getting kids aged 7-12 involved in the awesome world of bouldering!


Lil FREEKs (7-12)

  • A weekly class fantastic for first timers aged 7-12.
  • Learn and develop new climbing skills in a fun environment.
  • Currently only available in Huddesfield


per month

To book a lesson either ask when you are in the centre, email us at or phone up at 01484 907 026

What's in store?

Lil’ FREEKS is all about getting on the wall and having fun climbing.

These classes are ideal for 7-12 year olds and have been created to help kids develop basic climbing techniques in a fun and safe environment!

View the timetables for our centres here:



To book on, either contact your local centre or click the book now button above and select the day you want to book for!

FREEKin' Awesome Reviews